Words of Wisdom


The Goose Story: A Perspective on Teamwork.

The next time you see geese heading south for the winter, flying along in a “V” formation, you might be interested in knowing what science has discovered about why they fly that way.
It has been learned, that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an “uplift” for the bird immediately following. By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock adds a least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. 
People who share come direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier, because they are traveling on the thrust of one another. 

When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the draft and resistance of trying to go it alone, and quickly gets into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front.  
A high performing team has members who are all headed in the same direction, and complement and collaborate with one another. 

When the leader gets tired, he rotates back in the wing, and another goose flies to take point.
Great teams share the leadership role when different skills are needed. The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. 
Recognition of effort and accomplishment is the ultimate motivational tool.
Finally, when one goose gets sick, or is wounded by a gun shot and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him until he is able to fly, or until he is dead, then hey launch out on their own, or with another formation to catch up with the group. 
On all successful teams, members support and protect one another at all times. We are stronger when we know our teammates are there for us.


~ There are no shortcuts to any place worth going       

- Beverly Sills

~ You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.   

- Harry Firestone

~ Your mind can only hold one thought at a time. Make it a positive and constructive one.

~ You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it however.

- Richard Bach

~ There is only one way to fail and that's to quit.

- Brian Hays

~ Whether or not you reach your goals in life depends entirely on how well you prepare for them and how badly you want them. You're eagles! Stretch your wings and fly to the sky.

- Ronald Mcnair

~ Courage is not the absence of fear. It is being afraid but being able to control that fear so you are able to perform at your highest ability. That's what makes a champion.
- Cory Lester

Cheerleading Quotes
  • I run like a girl, jump like a girl and pop ten feet in the air like a girl!
  • Cheerleaders are angels, we are the only humans that can fly!!
  • Remember.... there is always that little girl in the stands that wants to be just like you, don't disappoint her.
  • It's not the glitz of the uniform but the spirit that shines within it!
  • A good cheerleaders is not measured by the height of her jumps but the span of her spirit!!
  • A cheerleader is a dreamer that never gives up!
  • Yes I'm a cheerleader, yes I'm an athlete, yes I'm a girl.... got a problem with that??
  • If you want to compete.... practice. If you want to win..... practice harder.
  • Athlete by nature, cheerleader by choice!
  • Eat. Sleep. Cheer. Repeat.
  • All girls are created equal, then a few become cheerleaders!!
  • Wimps lift weights, cheerleaders lift people.

Through My Eyes
As we walk through the door, our hair up in curls, we watch some of the girls practice their flips and twirls. It's our turn to practice, we run through everything once or twice; All stunts are solid, the routine looks nice. Our team is called, it's time to go on, our minds go blank, the routine is gone. The crowd goes wild as we spirit out, everyone is nervous without a doubt. The music starts, the routine comes back, this is the real thing there is no time to slack. Formation runs and motion drills, we've all come to hate, really paid off 'cause we're lookin' great. We've practiced for hours, to look good for three minutes, we give it our all right up to the finish. First place or last, we know we've done our best, Now its time to cheer for the rest.

Cheerleading is...
Cheerleading is a way of life, shared by a chosen few. It is working together as a unit, in everything you do. Cheerleading is rivalry; the competition makes you strong. It is sharing secrets and tears, learning to get along. Cheerleading is that on going drive to be the very best. It is little patience, perseverance, and very little rest. Cheerleading is having poise and charm with every word you say; it is total dedication twenty- four hours a day. It is always being ready with encouragement or a smile. Cheerleading is your chance to express your own individual style. Cheerleading is reaching out to comfort a sister who is sad. It is defending each other in the good times and the bad. Cheerleaders are always there whenever someone asks, they treasure the present moment and foget about the past. Cheerleading is a talent to be able to shine on cue. It is hiding the pain and anguish that if only people knew. Cheerleaders after all, are real people that sometimes get down, but when thery're in the spotlight they must never put on a frown. Cheerleaders are actresses, always ready to go. That's why it's important for all of the world to know. Not every girl can be a cheerleader; it takes a special kind, Cheerleaders are full of life.... and a little bit out of their mind!

Little Eyes Upon You
There are little eyes upon you and they're watching night and day. There are little ears that quickly take in everything you say. There are little hands all eager to do anything you do; and a little girl who's dreaming of the day she'll be like you. You're the little girls idol and you're wisest of the wise. In her little mind about you, no suspicions ever rise. She believes in you devoutly, holds all that you say and do; she will say and do in your way, when she grows up to be like you. There's a wide eyes little girl who believes you're always right; and her eyes are always opened, and she watches day and night. You are setting an example every day in all you do, for the little girl is waiting to grow up and be like you.